Friday, 15 June 2007

the C word

When my dad first broke the news about the need for surgery last year, he managed to tell me without once mentioning the “C” word. 


Fortunately the radical surgery went well and he has resumed a very active life, returning to his cycling, busy work schedule and daily life.  It seems you can live quite well without a prostate!  It seems…


Cancer has reared it’s ugly head in my family for the second time in less than a year.  This week my mother went for a mammogram and then for further tests.  She will be admitted on Monday morning for radical surgery to remove a tumour in one of her breasts.  She will spend this week-end deciding whether to go for the full mastectomy or to opt for less radical surgery.  Tough one, but the doctors will surely help her in her decision.


It’s difficult to know how to respond.  On the one hand, the medical profession has proactive responses to almost every condition, giving one great confidence that “this is not a big deal” – we’ll get through this fine.  My dad’s progress certainly bears witness to the fact that there is life after Cancer.  On the other hand, this is Cancer, and it’s my mom, and it’s a bit too close for comfort.  I know women in my congregation who have died after protracted battles with the bloody thing.  Every year St John’s holds a service for people who are struggling, or who have struggled with Breast Cancer.


I suspect this isn’t the last word regarding C…


digitaldion (Dion Forster) said...

Hey Barry,

Hang in there my friend. I do, however, want to encourage you to keep an eye on yourself. If it's in the family it's worth it.

I have just had surgery to remove some cancerous growths (last week Thursday in fact). Like most men I don't tend to 'feel for lumps'. However, after the birth of our second little miracle I decided to go for the snip (aka the 'sports model conversion'). During the routine investigation the doc found some lumps he was not happy with.

Luckily they were caught in time and were removed! I am still waiting for some test results, and walking slowly and carefully... But I am hopeful that I will not need any further treatment.

Lance Armstrong has won 6 Tour de France's since having his testes removed. I've lost one (and a bit of a snip along the shaft of my... Well, say no more, it is painful, that's all I can say). I am hoping that with my remaining ball bearing I can win 12 Tour de France's!

What do you think my chances are!? Of course I'll do them on my Vespa!

The moral of the story... As Ali G would say 'Check yourself before you wreck yourself...'

I am lucky, and blessed!

barry said...


i'm so bloody paranoid - I've always thought I'm going to get a brain tumour...

actually, hold on, i think i feel a head-ache... maybe...

no, thanks bud. glad you're ok - hope the tests come back clear. My mom is through her op now and back at home. there is a process of radiation ahead, but we trust that the doctors have her in good hands.

how are you feeling about a close call with cancer? Relieved that it was caught early? or paranoid about it coming back. I feel paranoid just thinking about it - i've never had a check up... and I'm 35, getting on...